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MBS 104 - The Existence of God


Many people today will argue the fact that God does not exist and no one can prove that He does exist. Others, such as those within the Christian faith, will say God does in fact exist and give different proofs to prove their point. Man has debated the existence of God from the beginning of time. Some will choose to believe in His existence when it’s convenient for them, but during other times in their lives, they feel He is not there and nothing can change their mind about that. But the fact of the matter is, God is real and He does exist without a shadow of a doubt.

One argument for the existence of God is the ontological argument. The first popularized ontological argument was proposed by Anslem of Canterbury. This theory states that God must exist because reason says He must exist. Anslem stated God has to exist because no being greater than Him exists; therefore He is the greatest being in existence.

The moral argument says that because everyone follows a universal moral law code, then a universal moral law giver must exist. Everyone knows that murder is wrong and because all people come from different backgrounds and societies, then there must be a higher power showing us a higher moral code.

When it comes to more debatable moral issues, some people will say what is right for one person is not right for another. They will argue that each person should be able to decide what is right or wrong. Others will say society as a whole should decide what is right and what is not. Still others would wish for a global consensus on what is morally good or evil, while at the same time leaving God’s commands out of the picture. But in reality, the moral law code is above man and only God can decide what is truly evil and what is good.

The teleological argument states that because the universe was created with intelligent design, this points to an intelligent designer. It is hard to look at the big bang theory and say that a chaotic explosion caused all the order in the universe. Very rarely will one see an explosion take place on earth that produces an intelligent design, so why should one think a big bang that created the universe should be any more precise. Some will concede the fact there is intelligent design and morality in the universe, but instead of giving all glory to God, they will say there could be more than one designer. This theory is reminiscent of Roman pantheism and modern day Hinduism, neither of which gives any rational argument for the creation of the universe.

The cosmological argument states there is only one infinite being who created all things. In the Christian faith He is called God. A sub type under this argument is the idea of existential causality. Thomas Aquinas promoted this idea which says all dependent beings, such as humans, need a cause for their continuing existence. This argument is more for the existence of God rather than the existence of dependent beings, but it works for both.

Aquinas based his argument on three points. First, if the universe if moving in an orderly fashion, then there must be an unmovable mover behind the scenes. Second, if the universe exists and must have had a starting point, a being must have existed before the universe did to cause it to come into existence. Finally, this independent being must be the cause for all dependent beings in the universe. Because dependent beings must depend on other dependent beings for their existence to continue, an independent being must have come before the dependent beings, that person being God.

Bonaventure also followed Aquinas’ line of thinking. He said that we can say whatever comes into existence must have had a cause. As well, using science and the Bible we can prove the universe had a beginning. Because we know the universe is moving outward at a constant rate, it must have started from somewhere. Therefore, because whatever comes into existence had a cause and the universe came into existence, then the universe must have had a cause. That cause was God.

The first and second laws of thermodynamics also prove the universe must have had a beginning. The first law states energy cannot be created or destroyed, but it simply changes forms. This implies a limited amount of energy in the universe. The second law says the amount of usable energy in the universe is running down and will eventually run out. This implies there was a starting point when the energy was at its maximum, before it started to be used up. Therefore, something must have created the universe with this fixed amount of energy and the energy was at its maximum when the universe was first created. So this creation leads to the argument for a creator, who is God.

Those who argue against the existence of God will often use the argument of suffering. This asks why an infinite, merciful God would allow suffering to happen if He is all powerful. This is a question that only God can answer. As limited beings, we can only speculate on this topic. One reason may be because certain instances of suffering allow things to happen for the greater good. God may also allow suffering and pain to occur to bring people closer to him. It is easier to forget about God in the good times and harder in the bad, so He may allow this to occur to bring people to Him.

In conclusion, it is much easier to argue for the existence of God than to argue against it. Anyone who looks at the facts will see theories such as the big bang just do not make any sense. As well, if the universe exists, where did the first material come from to create the universe? It could not have come from non-existence, so obviously someone must have created the first matter for the universe. Everything around us, including the scientific laws people try to use to disprove the existence of God, point to an intelligent design in the universe and an intelligent designer. If God does not exist, then our lives are meaningless, and no one wants to live in a world where life has no meaning.



Many people will argue that we don’t need God or that God does not exist, but in reality, everyone needs Him and He does indeed exist. If there is no God, then our life is meaningless. If we pretend He is not there and there are no moral absolutes, then we will be doomed to spend eternity apart from Him.

The world today is much different than it was in Biblical times. Today, the world is full of post modernists. They put more focus on experience over reason, spirituality over religion, and look at the mystery and beauty of things as opposed to the concrete. When witnessing to this type of person, one must appeal to their emotions and will. Showing them God will make a difference by making it a personal experience will make it more real to them.

John 4:24 states that those who worship God must do so in spirit and in truth. God Himself is spirit and truth and we must approach Him as such. We cannot come to know Him without a spirit of faith; otherwise He will know we are not completely open to Him. Also, we must be truthful, to ourselves and others, so God knows we are worthy to receive His blessings.

One way we know God makes a difference is because He gives meaning to life. Because we know there is a God and He has certain expectations of us, our life has meaning because of this. We know we are not just the product of evolution or a life form that came from monkeys or reptiles. We were created in the image of God to live a life that is pleasing to Him. If we take God out of the equation and just live life, then there is really no meaning to it all. We are just animals walking the earth and trying to survive. It would make no difference if we committed crimes or helped the poor. With no God and no moral absolutes, then life has no definite purpose and neither does death.

The fact there is a God also makes sense with regards to our moral experience. Everyone has that innate knowledge that certain things are wrong and are not tolerated by any society. This is what makes us different from the animals. We have a moral compass and know right from wrong. It was put there by God so we could live in peace with one another. If there was no moral law giver, then how could we explain why we act the way we do. People refrain from doing wrong things not because they are afraid of being punished by man. They don’t do bad things because they know it is instinctively wrong and God will punish them for doing it. Man’s punishment is limited but God’s is eternal.

We also know God makes a difference because of the rational experiences we are involved in everyday. It was said that the study of science is just man trying to figure out God’s universe. God made everything with order and it shows in everything around us. From the orbit of the planets to the changing of the seasons, everything has order and balance. The big bang theory tries to explain the beginning of the universe by saying the first bits of matter exploded and expanded into what we see today. But there is no explanation as to where those first bits of matter came from. An intelligent design calls for an intelligent designer. God created the universe in a rational way so we could understand it and perhaps understand Him better. The Bible tells us He is a God of order and not chaos. He is rational and He created all things the same way.

Another reason why God makes a difference is because He gives us hope for the future. Without God and the prospect of life after death, what reason is for there to go on? When life gets too hard, why not just end it if there is no God and nothing after death. But because there is a God and an after life, this gives us hope. It comforts us for ourselves and for the prospect of our loved ones. Nobody wants to think of a deceased loved one as ceasing to exist. The idea that they may be with God is a comforting thought that helps many people through tough times. Also, evil is a real thing and the only solution we have for this is God. Sometimes evil is on such a scale that we don’t know how to deal with it. But the thought of God being able to handle the evil makes it easier handle. In our nature we know that God is there. No dying person would ask to speak to an atheist. Everyone calls for a minister or priest, because in the end, we are all afraid of going some place where God is not.

Knowing God is there and being able to use Him as an explanation for why things happen also makes a difference. When looking at a terrible tragedy or horrible accident, many people will ask why it happened. Some will say that it is simply God’s will. We do not know why God allows bad things to happen. It may be because that event will serve the greater good, although it is hard to see it at the time. It could also be to bring people closer to God. During the good times, God is often ignored. But during times of trouble, many people turn to the Lord and become closer to Him.

God makes a difference because he gives the universe order. Without God, none of us would be here. He created us in his likeness to live for His purposes. He created the earth especially for us. The temperature is moderate, there is food to eat, and water to drink. He gave us intelligence to be able to take care of ourselves. Each living thing on earth has its place in the balance of nature. If there was no God, then none of this would be possible. A chaotic universe would not be able to create things that are so perfectly in harmony.

In conclusion, knowing God does exist makes a difference. Without the Lord in our lives, many people would have no purpose to go on. Knowing there is a higher power out there that is always with us is comforting in our times of need. Everyone should come to realize that the Lord is always there with us, through all our trials and tribulations, whether we realize it at the time or not.



In today’s society, Christianity is no longer the cool thing to do and people feel as if the faith is a fairytale that is no longer applicable. By using the Bible and some common sense, one is clearly able to see that life without God is not worth living at all.

God inspired King Solomon to write the book of Ecclesiastes to let people know what life would be like without God. The book was written around 935 BC by Solomon at a time in his life when he was feeling down. But because he was so wise, he was still able to write effectively and with wisdom.

2 Chronicles 1 tells us that God was pleased with Solomon and asked him what he wanted. Solomon realized that the material things of the world were no good to him without the ability to be able to rule over his people. So Solomon asked the Lord for wisdom and knowledge so he could be a good king over his people and live a life that God expects. God was impressed with Solomon’s non-materialistic request and granted him the wisdom he asked for.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, the main theme running throughout the book is vanity. In the Old Testament, vanity literally means a breath of fresh air but can also mean something that is empty and full of nothingness. Solomon says that everything is vanity under the sun, meaning that everything we do is in vain if we do not have God.

When God is taken out of the equation in life, then everything becomes meaningless. Solomon says that he tried to find pleasure in the things of this world. He tried wine, building projects, wealth, music, sex, treasure, and popularity but realized that none of these things could really make him happy. He eventually started to hate life because none of these things could bring him the joy that he was seeking.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 states that we cannot figure out God in a way that we would understand him completely. But God has put the notion of eternity in the heart of every man so we know there is more to life than what is here on earth. We can’t experience real joy with temporary pleasures but we must seek God with the thirst that is within us.

At the end of the book, Solomon comes to realize that the thing he had been seeking all along was the peace of God. He knew the pleasures of the earth could not satisfy what he was looking for. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 sums up what Solomon eventually figured out. He said that the meaning of life is to fear God and keep His commandments. This is the only way to live and the only way to be truly happy.

We are also told in Proverbs 1:7 that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. The wise seek knowledge and fools despise it. So the only way we can come to know God is to fear and respect him and He will give us wisdom and joy. Only fools do not want to admit this and reject God and his commandments.

Man is a creature that has been given the mind power to do a lot of thinking and we have been given the ability to reason and rationalize. Our greatest fear is our own death and we know that there is no way we can conquer death by ourselves. So to keep from thinking about our impending doom, man has created diversions to take our mind off this morbid topic. Diversions make us happy so we partake in them as often as we are able to. But these pleasures are only temporary and will do nothing to save our eternal soul. To give life meaning, we need only God.

Mark 8:36 tells us of Jesus stating "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" Here Christ is saying that all of the things of the earth are no good to us if we don’t have God in our lives and the saving power of Christ. Material things are no good after you are dead and only what you did while alive will make a difference with what happens with your soul. Mark 8:36 also tells us that man does not live on bread alone but on every word of the mouth of God. This also says that material things do not matter but God is what really makes a difference in our lives.

Paul tells us in Ephesians 2:12 that those who are separate from Christ have no hope. Those who rely on their diversions to get them through their day are just filling their lives with nothingness and if these pleasures become too much of a hold on them they could be seen as false idols.

God spoke through the prophet Jeremiah and told us that when we seek Him with all our hearts then we will find him. John tells us the way to God is through Christ and only Christ. John 14:6 states that no one comes to the father except through Jesus. 1 John 2:23 takes this further by telling us you can’t have the son without the father or the father without the son.

John 6:35 has Jesus telling the people that he is the bread of life and anyone who comes to him shall not hunger or thirst. Here Jesus is saying that man hungers and thirsts for something in his soul. The only way to fulfill this need is God through His son Jesus. He his the embodiment of all that we need in life and we should seek Him and receive what He has for us.

In conclusion, man has always sought something to fulfill his life. We seek diversion and pleasure through the things of this world, always seeking for something that we know we need. But the Bible tells us that the only thing we truly need is God, and the way to Him is through Jesus Christ. Nothing else matters and all the other things of this world are futile and will not save your soul.



The Bible tells us that God is a God of truth and not of lies. People will often make God out to be something that is anything but truth, but the evidence shows this is not and cannot be the case.

The word "truth" means an explanation of the way things really are. To pervert the truth is to state things are not really the way they are. The Bible states God is the ultimate truth and He has the ultimate truth within Him.

Psalm 31:5 tells us that God is the "Lord God of Truth." Psalm 43:3 asks God to send out thy light and thy truth. Both of these Psalms show that the Psalmist knows God is truth and has truth to send out to mankind.

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 states the devil has blinded the eyes of the non-believer so they are unable to see the truth. Ephesians 2:1-2 tells the reader that before being saved, the Christian walks in ignorance and does not see the truth. Both of these New Testament passages say that those who are not saved or believe in God are blind to the truth that God imparts on us.

The Christian faith teaches much about the nature of truth and how it relates to God. There are several different reasons why humans have to submit to God’s revelation of truth. Four different reasons are because of nature, conscience, scripture, and Jesus.

Human reason has to submit itself to God’s revelation in Nature. This is explained to us in Romans 1:18-22. It says we cannot see God but we can see the work of God in the world’s wonders. Psalm 19:1 also says the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Both of these passages state God has created everything in nature and we can see the wonder of these creations.

Human reason must also bow to God because of human conscience. Romans 2:14-15 tell us that when those who do not have the law do the things of the law, it shows that God put the law in the heart of the believer and the non-believer. This means there are some things that everyone sees as wrong, such as murder, and most people refrain from doing this because of their conscience.

Scripture is another reason why mankind must believe in God as truth. Many different Biblical passages tell us that God is the ultimate truth. Psalm 119 says "The sum of thy word is truth and everlasting." John 17:17 tells us that Jesus asked God to sanctify the Apostles in the truth of His word. 2 Timothy 2:15 tells us to study the word of God and to teach that truth to others.

A final reason for us to be in tune with the truthfulness of the Lord is because of Jesus Christ. John 1:14 states that "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." By "the Word" John is referring to Jesus and because we have already established that God’s word is truth, we can surmise that Jesus is also truth. John 8:31-32 also tells us that Jesus said if we abide in his word then we are disciples of his. As well, the truth will set us free and no one comes to the father except through him. So again in these passages we can see that Jesus is the way to truth and he will set us free of our sins. Also, he will lead us to God as he is the only way to the Lord.

When it comes to the nature of man, Christianity has a unique view which is different than other religions. Christians believe that mankind was created the way the book of Genesis states we were created. It says that God commanded "Let us make man in our image and let them rule over the earth." After that mankind fell in the Garden of Eden and disobeyed God’s word. Eventually, mankind became worse and God was forced to wipe out the earth’s population with a flood. But even after all the things that man did, God still commanded people not to kill one another because God still considered us sacred. Man was given the ability to kill and eat animals, but not each other, thereby putting us above all other creatures on earth.

The philosophy of modernism is part of the movement in which man refuses to reply upon God to find truth. This type of thinking was fathered by Descartes, who thought that we could find truth through reason. He is famous for the phrase "I think, therefore I am." He felt that we did not need God or the Bible to find truth in our lives.

Modernists trust only in man’s reason and technology and believe we are just biological beings. There is nothing spiritual about humans as we are just molecules in motion. They also teach the atheistic approach that there are no absolute moral values in the world. What is right for one person may not be okay for another, but because no absolutes exist, everyone should have their own standards. Their views are flawed as many of them will say there are no moral absolutes but when Christians state their beliefs, modernists will say these views are wrong.

The modernist view eventually leads to atheism and post-modernism. Post-modernists take modernism even further by placing God’s creatures above man. They do not want trees cut down or factories built and they promote the lives of animals over humans. They are opposed to technological advances and feel that what one believes inwardly is more important than outward reality.

1 Corinthians 1:18-25 warns the reader against the type of thinking that modernists promote. 2 Thessalonians tells the reader that those who reject the truth of the Gospel will be open to the lies in the last days. Colossians 2:8-10 states "See that no one tricks you with the principles of the world, with Christ you will find the truth." Ephesians 4:14-15 tells us to speak the truth in love. Finally, 1 Peter 3:15 instructs Christians to defend the truth.

In conclusion, God must be the God of truth because He is the whole truth. The Lord cannot have falsehood in Him because He is inherently good. The Bible teaches this fact as does nature, our conscience, and the person of Jesus. To deny this is to reject the facts and ignore the "truth."


Many in Christian circles believe that God gives both private and public revelation in the world today. As Christians, we are told to seek God’s guidance in times of trouble and ask for His help. Some would argue that God has spoken to them for their own personal issues while others feel God has revealed truth to them regarding issues that do not deal specifically with them. But it is clear that both public and private revelation are not occurring today and there are several proofs for this argument.

The term "private revelation" is a phrase referring to when God speaks directly to a person for issues directly dealing with that person. There are examples in the Bible of God showing private revelation to people. God revealed himself to Joseph, Philip, Ananias, Peter, and Paul, all to help them deal with issues specific to them. "Public revelation" on the other hand means God gives a revelation to a person for the public intent, better known as a prophecy. The most well known public revelation today is the Holy Bible, which was revealed to many people for future use and teaching. Within the Bible, God has also imparted numerous prophecies to many people, all of which were intended to impart knowledge to the people of the day or to be used for future reference.

Private and public revelations are different from the idea of illumination. Illumination is the enlightening of a person through the Holy Spirit to make an issue clearer to them which has already been revealed by God. Illumination is not anything new, just a clearer picture of revelation which had already occurred.

God does not use the gift of revelation with His present day people. Some have claimed that God spoke to them or called them to do something. It is not that God cannot reveal things to people; it is just that He has chosen not to at this time.

One reason we know God is not in the business of present day revelation is because asking God for his will and looking for private revelation is not scripturally sound. The New Testament teaches an end to this form of knowledge will cease when the New Testament era passes, which has already occurred. As well, with the Word of God at our fingertips, we have all the information we need to make informed decisions about our lives, such as who we marry or what path to take with our careers.

It is also not necessary to ask for God to give a private revelation. All one has to do is read the Bible and pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and if it is God’s will, then that person will become illuminated and see things more clearly. Asking for more from God means you feel the Bible is not enough.

Asking for revelation from God could also be a dangerous thing to do. If we feel God led us in a certain direction and this proves to be a bad decision, we may question God’s motives, when in fact He did not lead us anywhere. This could lead to false public revelations and make people do things that are not based on Scripture. People who have thought they had received revelations from God have even begun fringe movements and cults, which can lead people down some very dark paths.

People could get carried away with seeking private revelation and start asking God to help with every little decision of their lives. This could eventually lead us away from the free will God chose to give us so we can lead our own lives. Then if a wrong decision is made and we blame God, our faith could be hurt for no good reason. Even if a supposed revelation comes true, then we will be looking for more answers from God and this may lead us down the path of wrong doctrine or boastfulness.

Although God does not give us public or private revelation, He still guides His people today. Proverbs tell us to trust in the Lord and He will guide us in accordance with His will. It also says that God will guide us in spite of what our plans are, if it is something He has deemed to be done. Finally, several instances in the Bible tell Christians to ask God for wisdom when decision making, therefore providing for illumination through the work of the Holy Spirit.

In conclusion, the Bible tells us that public and private revelation has ceased about two-thousand years ago, when the apostolic age ended. Some may feel the need to ask God to speak to them, but this will not be the case. One should ask the Lord for wisdom in all things and if you trust in Him and it is His will, you will be illuminated by the Spirit and will receive His wisdom.



The Bible teaches that God created the universe and everything in it. Genesis 1:1-3 says that God created the heavens and the earth. John 1:1-3 states that "In the beginning was the Word." Colossians 1 tells the reader that by God all things were created for God. Hebrews 11:3 says that by faith we understand the world was made by God.

Genesis also tells the reader that by the seventh day the universe was created and that nothing new would be created after this. The Bible also says that God said for the earth to bring forth living creatures after their kind, as opposed to by evolution. 1 Corinthians 15:39 says that all flesh is not the same flesh, but one is the flesh of man, one is the flesh of beasts, one of birds. This means that God created all things with different boundaries and not by evolution turning one creature into another.

In Genesis 1:26-27 God says "Let us make man in our image and let them rule over all creatures." This contradicts the theory of evolution, as God made man directly, not from a lesser species. Genesis 2 says that man was formed from the dust of the ground, again refuting the idea he was created from another animal. Woman was then created from the rib of man, not from a monkey. God then finished creating everything and said it was good. He did not change his creation and make up the idea of evolution.

When it comes to the idea of evolution and creation, there are many different fields of thought. One type of creationist is the old earth creationist. This type of person feels the earth is billions of years old and that God created the earth and everything on it. Fossils were created before man existed; therefore the scientific dating methods today are accurate.

There is also the young earth creationist. He feels that the earth is only thousands of years old and the age of the earth can be figured out by dating the genealogies in the Bible. Man was created first as the Bible says and no fossils existed until after the creation of Adam and Eve.

The debate between evolution and creation is also varied. Before 1860 the creation model was the dominant way of thinking. Then after 1860 with the publishing of Darwin’s Origin of Species, the evolution model became popular. The problem with proving either creation or evolution is that both models are only theories. No hard evidence exists to prove either but only circumstantial evidence.

When it comes to looking at the origin of the universe, one must utilize different fields of study. The idea of origin science deals with the scientific method and theories. It talks about what happened in the past and the events are singular occurrences. They cannot be repeated or seen again. Origin science uses two different principles within its field. One principle it uses is the analogy. This means that an event is compared to something happening in the present to make it easier to understand. There is also the principle of causality, which means every effect has a cause.

There is also the idea of operation science. This differs from origin science in that it is science which one can observe what is going on now. The events it deals with are repeatable and easier to study than in origin science. But when it comes to studying the idea of creation, the only model which can be used is origin science, because creation happened so long ago and nothing exists today to make this event repeatable or observable.

When it comes to the disagreements between the creation and evolution model, three main areas stand out. One such argument is with regards to the origin of the universe. The second law of thermodynamics says that the amount of energy in the universe remains constant but is changing into less usable energy. So if the amount of usable energy is winding down that means the universe must have had a beginning. The big bang model is the most popular view for evolutionists on how the universe was created. They believe the universe is expanding but cannot explain how the universe actually started. Creationists state the universe had a beginning and that beginning was God.

The origin of first life is also a debated issue. Evolutionists state that life evolved from non-life. This idea violates the law of bio-genesis which says that all living things come from other living things. This also violates the cell theory which says new cells only arise from pre-existing cells. The creation model is much simpler as it says that God created life. God is eternal so he did not need a beginning. He just needed to give us a beginning.

The third argument that is popular among those who debate evolution and creation is on the origin of new life forms. Currently, there is no evidence in the fossil record for missing links, as is believed by the evolutionists. There is also no proof that one animal ever evolved into another animal. The idea of mutation is believed by the evolutionists, but mutations don’t actually add more information the genetic code. A mutation just changes what is there; therefore there is no way to prove how a single celled animal acquired extra genes by using the theory of evolution.

In conclusion, the theory of evolution has no concrete proofs backing its position. Many of the scientific principles the evolutionists believe in actually disprove this theory instead of helping it. The truth of creation is the only one which makes sense. To have an all powerful God create the universe and everything in it is as simple as it can get. With a small measure of faith, one can believe in God and creation.


Those who believe in the theory of evolution often pride themselves as being believers in science and scientific principles. But sometimes it is these exact ideas which can disprove their theory. The first law of thermodynamics states energy cannot be created or destroyed but remains constant.

Evolutionists would like to see new energy coming into existence to help further their case, but this is simply not able to happen. Genesis 2 states that the heavens and earth were completed by the seventh day and then God rested, therefore nothing new was created after that. So the first law of thermodynamics is consistent with what the Bible states.

The second law of thermodynamics says the amount of energy in the universe remains constant but the amount of usable energy is getting smaller. So if the amount of usable energy is lessening, then there must have been a starting point for this energy. Therefore if energy cannot create itself out of nothing, the energy must have had a supernatural force causing it to come into creation, such as God. Mark 13:31 says that Jesus stated "Heaven and Earth will pass away but my words will not pass away." The book of Revelation confirms this statement, as it tells of a new heaven and earth which will come into existence.

The evolutionary dating methods that are praised by the evolutionists are actually inconsistent and unreliable. These methods assume uniformity and make assumptions that science has not proven, such as there never being world wide catastrophes like the Biblical flood. They also assume a constant rate of decay with carbon dating and assume this has always been the same.

There are proofs which currently exist that back up a young earth theory as is recorded in the Bible. The current population of the earth proves a young earth with the population growing at a constant rate. The earth’s magnetic field also proves a young earth, as the field gets stronger at a constant rate when looking into the past, so it would have been too strong to sustain human life further back than the Bible indicates.

The fossil record is also a problem when it comes to proving the theory of evolution. The current catalogue of fossils show no record of missing links and they always shows new life forms which appear suddenly and fully developed. Because fossils are caused by a rapid burial in the earth, this confirms the story of the flood in the Bible, as a great flood would case a rapid burial of animals which would produce fossils.

Genesis 1:6-8 states that God said let the waters above and below the expanse be separated and the expanse was called "heaven." So it is possible that water was actually in the sky at the beginning of creation. Studies have shown that if a canopy of water were surrounding the earth it would slow the aging process of human beings. This would confirm the Biblical account of people living to be hundreds of years old. Reptiles also grow until they die and this would confirm the existence of dinosaurs, if reptiles could live much longer than they do now. Genesis 7:11-12 confirms that fact that the sky may have been filled with water, because these passages say the floodgates of the sky opened and it rained for forty days and nights, possibly utilizing all the water that was in the sky.

Psalm 104:5-9 recounts the story of the great flood. It states the earth was created by God and He covered the earth with the deep. The waters were above the mountains and then the mountains rose and the valleys dropped. The water would never again return to cover the earth. The Old Testament also talks about the behemoth and leviathan whose description sounds like dinosaurs. This would confirm the young earth theory as these creatures would have been around as the same time as man.

Evolutionists also believe in the idea of mutations to explain the theory of evolution. But the problem with their argument is that mutations only scramble existing genes and they do not create any new genes within the body. So this cannot explain how single celled animals would have evolved into larger beings. There is also the missing link argument. Evolutionists will argue there are missing links with even a small amount of bone found but many of these supposed links have been found to be false.

The history of the fossil record shows that there are two features that disprove the theory of gradualism or slow evolution. One is the idea of stasis. This says that most species show no change during their life on earth, so evolution cannot be proven this way. As well, studies have shown that a species will not arrive gradually at one point, but will arrive all at once. To counter these arguments, proponents of evolution state these ideas may be true but the missing links were only around for such a short time there was not any time for them to be fossilized.

In conclusion, by looking at nature we can see there is no evidence that life can be created from non-life. If this was even proven to be true then it would actually prove creation and the idea of intelligent intervention. There is also no evidence for an eternal universe or that it just popped out of nothing. The universe was created by an intelligent designer and not through some kind of big bang. There is no evidence for a common ancestry of fish, reptiles, and mammals, so this cannot prove the theory of evolution either. So if all these assumptions are put together, it is very hard to prove evolution over creation.

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