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MBS 100 - Christian Apologetics


The use of Apologetics dates back as far as Biblical times. There can be seen in both the Old and New Testaments the act of defending the faith, as well as attacks on Christians from sources outside the Bible, such as with the writer Porphyry. His writings were so profound that they had to be countered with numerous volumes of Apologetic and Polemic books. But the theories of Apologists were suppressed during the reign of the Roman Catholic Church for almost ten centuries until the time of the Reformation, once again enabling people to defend their faith. Because of the strong apologetics movement today, many people have come to know the word of the Bible.

For apologetics to be successful, one must adhere to four precepts: contest any false allegations brought against Christianity, show that Christianity and the Bible do work, eliminate doubts about the Bible, and to provide "sufficient" proof to back-up these ideas. To back-up what they believe, apologists must be able to do several things, such as help those with doubts, they must realize that apologetics is limited, they should help to remove roadblocks getting in the way of faith, try to over come rationalism, proclaim the faith whenever possible, realize that people have to want to listen to the message and will help those seeking it, and that apologetics is not "scientism."

People also have to realize that apologetics has a personal aspect as well. The study of apologetics helps Christians strengthen their belief in the Bible. It also helps them to refute any attacks made against their beliefs. The student of apologetics is even able to point out methods used by those who attack the Christian way. As well, apologists are able to be a witness for Christ.

There are many people who have no interest in the study of Apologetics. This type of Christian can be divided into six subcategories. The first are Christians who never doubted their faith. The second is the type of person who was never confronted about their beliefs. Another category is those who have been confronted but retreat when questioned. A fourth type are those who believe the Bible has some errors and don’t think about defending an error-free text. The fifth group are those Christians who are insensitive to others with doubts. The final category is those Christians who use their own brand of apologetics but it does not work when actually tested.

"Radicals" have three main assumptions about the Christian faith. The first one is that a personal God likely does not exist. The second is that the Bible is only a book and not the Word of God. Finally, they believe that miracles and supernatural events cannot be true because they cannot be explained scientifically.

There are also many groups out there that have more defined beliefs than the three which were previously stated. Fundamentalists, such as the author, believe that only the Bible is God’s Word, only by Grace can one achieve Salvation, only by faith can one be saved, and Christ is the only way to God. Evangelicals are another group which are similar to Fundamentalists, but are more flexible with the beliefs previously stated. Even further from the Fundamentalists precepts are neo-Evangelicals. They believe that the Bible can be wrong, in theistic evolution, salvation without Jesus, and that the miracles in the Bible may not be true.

Radicals are a major group out there today. Some of their presuppositions are that evolution is true and creation is not, and that the Bible is not the only Word of God. Another group, classified as neo-orthodox, came about as a result of conflict with the radicals. They do not follow the basic beliefs of Christianity and believe salvation is attainable without Christ. More groups, such as Christian Mystics, Christian Cults, Christian Occultists, Non-Christian Cults, New Age groups, The New Prajapati Movement, Occultic Cults, Secular Cults, Rationalist Groups, and Humanists, are also several more of the different types of the prominent anti-apologetic movements in existence today.

Even as the opponents of apologetics can be broken down, so can the different tenants of the apologetic movement. The four classifications of this are philosophical/theological, historical/legal, rational/scientific, and interdisciplinary. These categories can also be broken down even further.

The philosophical/theological branch of apologetics in one which tries to counter the philosophical opponents of Christianity. This can include theistic philosophies, atheistic philosophies, occult philosophies, and non-theistic philosophies. This type of apologist is the most popular among Christians.

Another type of apologist is the historical/legal apologist. This type of person helps to counter attacks regarding the historicity and archaeology of the Bible. Biblical history, archaeology, prophecy, and language all fall under this category.

Rational/scientific apologetics is one which helps to explain science and the Bible. Some themes would be astronomy, evolution, and cosmogony. This is a more difficult branch of apologetics because of the vast amount of information and debatable material available.

The final type of apologist deals with interdisciplinary apologetics. This means that the apologist uses more than one discipline to prove their point. Some common categories are ethics, evil and suffering, and miracles and resurrection.

Some Christians also oppose the idea of apologetics. They do this because of the belief that faith and reason are two separate entities. Some others are just scared of the idea of defending their beliefs. While others yet are just ignorant to what it is. But in the face of all this adversity, Christian apologists should take a con-compromising approach to their faith and beliefs.


There are two different methods of historical/legal apologetics that can be utilized when talking about the Bible. The first one is by using The Legal Reconstruction Method. This discipline is about taking the evidence presented in the Bible and figuring out if it is the truth or not, the same way evidence is presented in court. A second type is using the Sufficient Proof Method. This means that if enough evidence from the Bible is examined and found to be true, then it holds that all the information put forth in the Bible is true. These two methods will enable one to put forth sufficient proof. Because there is so much information in the Bible, total proof i.e. proving every little fact, is not possible, so sufficient proof is all that is needed.

There are also numerous tools that historical apologists can use. One such tool is archaeology. This can be broken down into Biblical/Secular archaeology and Chronologies/Historical archaeology. Biblical/Secular archaeology deals with discoveries in secular circles that relate to Biblical times. Chronologies/Historical archaeology deals with the research given to the subject of Biblical time lines.

Another tool used by historical apologists is dating techniques. One sub-category of this is historical dating, which refers to the association of items to a known time period in history. A second category is comparative dating. This means comparing items of a similar nature with other items from a known time frame. A third category is scientific dating which can include such things as radiocarbon dating.

A third tool that can be used is the art of linguistic studies. Much progress has been made in the translation of Biblical texts. This is due in part to the numerous amounts of Biblical texts available. It is also thanks to the other types of texts out there that are non-Biblical, but were written in the same language and language families, thereby enabling easier translations.

A fourth means available to help historical apologists is the present abundance of manuscripts. Today, there are thousands of New and Old Testaments documents in existence, with more being found all the time. These large amounts of manuscripts are a viable tool for apologists to use to back up their beliefs.

There are also numerous applications of the historical tools used in science. One such is insights into history/chronology. Another is insights into culture/customs/mannerisms. A third is insights into languages and their meanings. A fourth is insights through reconstruction/investigation of Biblical histories and incidents.

As well, the purity of the Bible has been attacked by three main groups in the past: Christian radicals, rationalists/atheists, and Muslims. Even though the same questions are asked and answered, many of the groups bring up the topics again. Some of the ways that Christians can deal with these attacks are through theological considerations and practical aspects.

The idea of theological considerations means that because the Bible is the word of God, it must be error free and the truth. Timothy himself states, "All scripture is given by the inspiration of God". So because the Bible is inspired by God, then the facts and stories the Bible contains must be true.

The practical aspects of the Bible are another way apologists can backup their faith. History has shown that the Jews took measures to ensure that the Biblical texts were copied with accuracy. Numerous rules were passed to make sure that only true copies of texts remained for people to read.

A source of debate among Christians is the presence of the Apocrypha, which are several books added to the Canon by the Roman Catholic Church to back up some of the traditions they had in existence. Certain precepts held by the Apocrypha are prayers for the dead, salvation by almsgiving, and the pre existence of souls, none of which are supported by the rest of the Bible.

Apologists must also believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, otherwise everything else they believe in would be a fallacy. The fact that the Bible is free from errors exists within the Bible itself. Numerous Biblical personas, such as Moses, The Psalmist, and Jesus, all give quotes stating the inerrancy of the Canon.

The idea of inerrancy can raise some problems which apologists should be aware of. One such problem is the fact that different writers in the Bible wrote about the same events but from different points of view. Though this may seem like conflicting accounts, it is merely the same facts written in a different context.

Also, some of the authors in the Canon wrote in figurative language, in a way not meant to be taken literally. Some critics feel that the Bible should be taken as straight fact, when some parts are actually more "poetry than prose," so some symbolism has to be accepted. As well, because of the time period, the authors also wrote in a way different than we speak now, so some leeway has to be given for this, as with any historical text.


A large problem with Biblical criticism is because of improper interpretation and the errors this causes. The errors themselves can be divided into three main categories: prejudices/biases, meaning/perception, and collection/integration.

Because we are all human and limited to human knowledge, everyone is prejudiced or biased to some degree. It is human nature. But the problem arises when these flaws get in the way of interpreting the Canon. In order to overcome this, one must give in to the Spirit and forget the influences that outside forces have on us.

Another problem with bias is that humans are programmed to disbelieve what we cannot prove. That is why faith is a hard concept for so many people. This can also lead to rebellion against God because of the way the world has groomed the human flesh for the purposes of sin. Many people also do not have the Biblical knowledge to interpret the Bible correctly. This is usually due to the lack of spiritual maturity, which can only be attained through the Word and the Spirit.

The abundance of different philosophies also inhibits correct interpretation. Many different people read the Bible with these other doctrines in mind and this interferes with their understanding the Word correctly. The distortion between causes and commitments is also another way that prejudices and biases hamper one’s interpretation of the Bible.

Biblical students can also make errors in the field of meaning and perception. This can be done in different ways. One way is not knowing the exact nature of a passage, thereby causing misinterpretation. Another error that can be committed is not understanding the keys that a message presents. A third error can be made by the fact that humans are only finite and God is not, so we cannot always understand His ways, no matter how hard we try.

Sometimes, the Bible has words that contain multiple meanings, so they have to be used in the context given or the interpretation could be off. The Bible is also a mysterious document that believers have to respect and study in the right frame of mind. Also, because we are limited in the ways we can explain the nature of God, the words used can sometimes be deceiving because it is all we have.

Humans can also make Biblical errors relating to collection and integration. This can be done by focusing more on some parts of the Bible than others, thereby creating errors in interpretation. One also has to realize that when the Biblical books were written, the writers didn’t know the full extent of what they were writing, so their words have to be kept in context.

Some people also try to study the Bible from scratch without first studying what has already been researched on that subject, thereby causing some errors in their analysis. Biblical students have to realize as well that the Bible was only given as sufficient proof of God’s revelation and not total proof, which would take countless volumes to create. Finally, emotionalism and denominational loyalties are also factors when it comes to interpreting the Bible incorrectly. So all of these factors must be in one’s mind when analyzing the Bible and kept out of their study, otherwise, they will not interpret the Bible correctly.

There are also different categories of Biblical problems that have arisen over the centuries. Many of these categories have numerous examples with which the non-believer uses to try to prove their point that the Bible is fallible. These arguments which are put forth by the non-believer can be broken down into thirteen different categories.

The first type of problem is that of the difficulties arising out of the original texts. Because of the numerous amount of times that the books of the Bible have been translated and the difficult languages of the Old and New Testaments, many argue that there must be mistakes in the Bible. This is an idea that the apologist must reject, as the Word of God is error-free.

A second type of issue is with translation. Because the original Greek and Hebrew texts were written in a much earlier time period, some of the terms used cannot be accurately translated into another language.

Another topic that can also arise with regards to the Bible is false interpretation. Because God’s Word cannot be fully understood by man, humans try to interpret the Bible to fit their world view, a practice which can lead to false doctrine.

A fourth category is the possibility of a wrong conception of the Bible. People have to realize that although it is the Word of God, not every statement in the Bible is going to be the truth. Everything has to be put into context to understand the meaning.

Also, difficulties can come about because of the language of the Canon. Some of the language is meant to be straight forward while other times it is meant to be poetic. Again, it has to be put into context.

As well, the reader may encounter difficulties if they do not have historical knowledge of the Biblical times. The ideas conveyed in the Bible have to be read with the customs, history, geography, etc. of the writers kept in mind, and themes they are speaking about, otherwise a false interpretation may be brought about.

In this same line of thinking, readers must be aware of the different conditions under which the texts were written and read them accordingly.

An eighth difficulty is regarding the many-sidedness of the Bible. Different people focus on different aspects of the Canon. The apologist must be able to realize the Truth and focus on that.

Also, man has to realize that because we are finite, we cannot fully understand God or explain what is He is about. So when certain words are used to describe God or His actions, we must realize that they cannot do justice to Him.

Readers must also understand that fallacies of logic can also create difficulties. Some people make false deductions based on statements given in the Bible, thereby creating a meaning that was never intended.

Sometimes, Biblical difficulties come about when the nature of a statement is not understood. This also goes back to putting words into context. It is possible for a language to have a meaning for a word that cannot be translated correctly into another language, thereby causing problems if the original meaning is not understood.

Numbers can also create a problem when reading the Bible. One must realize what the intent of the passage is, so as not to focus entirely on the numbers that are given.

A final problem relating to difficulties of categories of the Bible is that even though we may be studying the Bible, our spirituality may not be mature enough to understand what we are reading.

There are also some "common sense" problems which can arise when reading the Bible. One is the fact that because God is infinite and we are not, we will never fully understand what He is all about. Another is the fact that even though there may be arguments against the Bible, this does not mean it is untrue, only that a proper answer hasn’t yet been discovered. A third issue is the fact there is still much debate on the topic of our origin and many of these questions have yet to be answered.

As well, one must realize that because a Biblical problem is hard, it is not impossible. Most times, people just have to look for the right information and the answers come to them. A fifth common sense problem is that the problems which arise with the Bible pale in comparison with the good it has done and people should realize this fact and not dwell on the negative.

Apologists should also understand that anyone who has ever seriously studied the Bible is less likely to criticize it than someone who has barely read it, as these type of people can be dangerous to the faith of the unlearned. Also, propaganda can have a negative effect on the beliefs of people, but one has to realize that it never has a Biblical basis. A final problem is that people have to realize that study and prayer will help to answer most of their Biblical questions.

There are also different ways that science and scripture can relate one another, both positively and negatively. Recently, since the growth of scientific knowledge, this new information has been used to try to attack and disprove the Bible. Two different branches of science which are used are exact science, such as physics and chemistry, and non-exact science, such as history or sociology.

There are several different branches of science which can be studied. Normative sciences are the study of such fields as logic and math. Physical science often relates to the fields of physics and chemistry. Biological science often refers to the study of living things. Historical sciences, the one often used when researching the Bible, refers to the study of history. Sociological sciences refer to the study of people and how they interact with one another.

The information gained in the fields of science can be broken up into two main categories, theories and facts. Theories are those ideas which cannot be totally proven, while facts are known and can be verified. While theories are often used to attack the Bible, it is facts which show the Bible’s truths. Countless theories have been put forward throughout the ages in an attempt to disprove the Bible, but the facts which the Bible puts forth always dispels these myths and they fall by the wayside. It has proven itself accurately as a historical document countless times and everyday researchers are proving more statements made in the Bible are true. Many people will try to dispel the truths the Bible presents by using theories and trying to present them as facts. One such theory is the idea of a Bible Code, which is the usage of patterns with Biblical letters to predict the future. This idea has been put forward as fact by its believers, but has yet to be proven to be accurate.

A popular way people use to attack the Bible is through the theory of model making. Models can be broken down into two types, qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative or descriptive models, is a model which is created solely on descriptions given for certain ideas. The studies of archaeology and law use this type of model. Quantitative, or mathematical models, is one that has a "mathematical relationship with the object represented by it." The studies of math and physics would use this type of model.

The science of Historical study is another field which can be used to prove or attempt to disprove the Bible. It is much more restrictive than an exact science as it cannot be proven exclusively with facts and numbers. Ideas in this branch of study would include the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and historical archaeology. Some may think that these ideas would fall under the category of material science, but because they cannot be proven, they must be considered historical and therefore non-exact. Because the theory of the big bang is just a theory, some people feel that the idea of God creating the universe must also be a theory. These people try to use the historical sciences to make this appear a reality. Archaeology, which is a study that has proven the Bible to be an accurate document, has been used by non-believers in an attempt to disprove the Bible. But in the end, when all the facts are shown, archaeology has aided the Bible in its quest for the truth.

Many non-believers feel that the Bible should be proven via scientific proof and the physical sciences. But this is not possible because history cannot always be proven with exact science, because it happened in the past and cannot be perfectly recreated. This is why the apologist must point out to the non-believer that proving history with normative science is not possible, but it can be researched with the sociological sciences and common sense. The rest has to be left up to faith.


There are many different types of propaganda techniques that non-believers can utilize in attacking Christianity. Propaganda can be broken down into two groups, spontaneous and contrived. Spontaneous propaganda is an automatic response to an event. Whereas contrived propaganda can be broken down into informative, an example being facts, or manipulative, which could use control techniques. While both of these techniques are used, in the end they are proven ineffective against Christianity.

Manipulative propaganda techniques can be broken down further into several different categories. One such technique is the fear of a bad name. In this method, the non-believer plays on one’s fears of looking bad, so that person will go along with what the propagandist wants. A second devious technique is the opposite to the first one and it is the appeal of having a good name. Most people want to be respected, so propagandists will falsely play on this desire thereby making the believer doubt themselves. These types of techniques are effective on people who have lower self esteem, as they want to be accepted and will go along with other people to gain their favor.

A third technique is the appeal to human authority. This method is used to get people to desire a product or idea endorsed by an authoritative person. This idea can work both ways. If someone like Muhammad Ali converts to Islam, then he could be very influential in taking people away from Christianity. But someone like Billy Graham, who is both a faithful Christian and famous, could bring many to Christ because of his star like qualities. Another technique similar to this one is the use of testimonials. It utilizes common people and their stories to promote a product or idea, as opposed to someone famous.

A fifth manipulative propaganda technique is the utilization of half truths. The sloganeer uses some part of a truth to get people interested in the propaganda and then presents false information. Another technique used is the mob-mentality idea. This type of propaganda pressures one into conforming because "everybody else is doing it" and the person does not want to be left out. This mob mentality can also be used within Christianity, but it is not the proper way to bring people to the Lord.

A seventh technique is card-stacking or deception. An example of this would be a survey which does not give all the correct information, only the details the propagandist wants. Finally, a sloganeer can use fantasy manipulation to promote their ideas. This technique attempts to connect one’s fantasy with a product or idea, making one believe they are the same thing. This idea is used frequently on television while trying to sell products to the masses.

The different techniques just mentioned can also be combined and used with other techniques. One such idea is the use of mind manipulation with a repetition of exposure to propaganda. This plays on the idea that the more one is exposed to an idea, the more accepted the idea will become. Another technique is mind manipulation by going around reason. This idea uses people’s emotions to get them to forget about reasoning. Again, both of these techniques are used frequently with advertising.

The apologist must be able to realize that all these techniques are nothing but deception and be able to spot them when it comes to refuting the Bible. They must be able to analyze and counter these techniques. The effective apologist must be able to decipher the type of propaganda being used and devise an appropriate response for their own sake and the sake of others.

There are also different ways society uses to distort the truth and make people believe certain things. This can be defined as "mind control" and it began when Satan convinced one-third of the angels to rebel against God. From that point, it just got worse. Christians must be able to recognize this problem and be able to deal with it accordingly.

The human is able to act in three basic ways: by their thoughts, by what they say, and by what they do. From a Biblical stance, these types of actions can then be broken down into four separate types. The first type is essential actions, which would include loving God and being honest. The second type is desirable actions, such as those that would strengthen one’s faith. Another type is tolerable actions, which would be the things that a Christian should not do but are not sinful. The final category is forbidden actions and this would include all those thoughts, actions, and deeds which a believer should not do.

The mind is able to put up barriers to resist mind manipulation from outside forces and these barriers have certain properties. One is its invisible nature, meaning that they cannot be seen. As well, the barriers are non-material, so they cannot be checked or measured. But they are also perishable so they can be destroyed. The formations of the barriers are not automatic and must be worked at to build them up. Finally, the barriers are only as strong as the person wants them to be, so without a person’s will and the Holy Spirit, they are nothing.

There are those out there that make it a point to break down these barriers and manipulate minds. Such actions can follow six basic principles. The first trick that one can use is manipulation by blinding. This can happen by only giving people lies or biased facts. A second type of manipulation is by imprinting. This can occur by constant repetition, shock, or fantasy-creation. Both of these ideas are abundant in television advertising and even when groups are recruiting for less than desirable purposes.

Another type of manipulation is by desensitization. The means that the barriers one has built up is broken down by small doses of exposure to something inappropriate. A fourth type is manipulation through expansion. This is when a person is given the chance to broaden their desires outside of the proper boundaries. Again, both of these types of manipulation are seen in the media and aimed at the weak minded.

A fifth type is by fear-creation. This fear can be created by many forms such as through exposure to violence, peer pressure, mass media. A final principle of mind control is manipulation by way of value shifting. By continuous contact with people who do not have proper values, a person’s Christian values can slowly be shifted away from what’s right by creating doubt in that person’s mind, so in the end they do not believe what they should.

As well, there are different types of mind manipulation that non-believers use and the different ways to resist these techniques. There are two main philosophies in existence today: the divine viewpoint and the human viewpoint and both are very popular. As Christians, we must follow the divine viewpoint to be of a like mind with God. Mind manipulation is a powerful tool used by the non-believer and history has shown that the human mind can be distorted in many ways.

One way the mind can change is through the changing of values. When one’s values change then choosing between right and wrong becomes more difficult. It also makes it harder for one to choose what is important and what is unimportant in life. Another way the mind can change is if it is being manipulated by the shifting of focus. Trivial things become important and important things get shoved aside. People who are being manipulated are unable to determine what they deserve and what they do not. They also may feel that they have been victimized but they are actually the victimizer.

A third way that the mind can manifest itself is with an uncontrollable thought life. When one’s thoughts are not controlled then they may wander to ideas of a sinful nature. At this point, three things become prominent in that person’s life: an objective/subjective interchange, a tendency for blame shifting, and an unhealthy preoccupation with sinful living. The final way that the mind of the careless believer can be manifest is through sinful choices. This is the end product of the first three results of mind manipulation and it is the most dangerous of them all.

As shown, there are several ways that the mind can manifest itself when being manipulated. There are also numerous ways in which mind manipulation can be used to control people’s thoughts and actions. One such way is through repeated exposure to experiences. If one is subjected to certain situations enough times then that person will grow to embrace it, whether it is positive or negative. A second strategy is by repetition of ideas. If a person is told that a certain idea is true enough times then they come to believe that it is true, even if there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This is evident in the different forms of media which abound. Television and magazines are full of advertisements which use these techniques.

Another type of mind manipulation is depth targeting of the human mind. This technique tries to reach a person at the subconscious level, such as the way marketers try to get people to buy their products through the use of music, audio visuals, and through hero worship. A final type is the emotional manipulation of people. Non believers can attempt to bypass one’s reasoning and appeal directly to one’s emotions. Because emotions are such a powerful thing, this technique is able to be very effective.

Mind control alone is usually not effective without some other factors being present. One such circumstance is ignorance. If one does not know mind manipulation exists then it is hard to resist it. Another factor is peer dependence. Peer pressure is a hard thing to resist at the best of times, so people should not be too dependant on peers for support. A third influence would be the lack of parental support. Without this then it is hard for one to resist the manipulations of the world. Finally, the atmosphere one is in can greatly affect their tenancy to be manipulated. If a person is always around mindless people then it is easy to get pulled into that lifestyle.

There are also a couple of ways that the Christian can resist these attacks of the mind. One such way is by resisting the manipulation in personal life. This is aided by proper spiritual guidance and study. A second way is resisting in an apologetic way. This means that if one is grounded in the proper facts about the Christian faith, then one is able to counter the attempts at mind manipulation and not be fooled by them. If this happens, then one is able to grow spiritually with the help of Christ and the Spirit.


There are two main approaches within the discipline of logic: deductive and inductive reasoning. Deductive arguments are the more important of the two and within deductive arguments, one should be able to present some kind of premise and arrive at a logical deduction. If there is something wrong with the premise or deduction, then a fallacy has occurred. The apologist should be able to make an effective deductive argument when discussing Christianity to be truly effective. Otherwise, they should not argued a flawed point, as this could be harmful to the faith of the one who is seeking the information. Also, when non-believers argue these fallacies, the apologist should also be able to point them out and refute the arguments.

Errors of interpretation are one type of fallacy which can occur. Three such examples are errors in deduction, errors because of ambiguity, and a fallacy of language accent. Fallacies of form can also occur within arguments. Some examples of this are the fallacies of four terms, the error of undisturbed middle, error due to illicit major, error due to illicit minor, fallacy arising out of two negative premises, fallacy arising out of two particular premises, fallacy arising out of denying the antecedent, fallacy arising out of affirming the consequent, fallacies arriving out of improper disjunction, and material fallacies.

When it comes to deduction arguments, fallacies can also occur if the debater is not using the correct meaning for words. Some of the errors which can occur are due to ambiguous terms, figures of speech, composition, division, accidents, or dilemma. All of these fallacies can occur either on purpose or by mistake. So because there are so many tricky words used in the Bible, the apologist must be aware of what they are saying, otherwise their argument could be seen as incorrect.

While trying to prove an argument, the speaker can also create fallacies of concept. Such errors could include the error of circular reasoning, the fallacy of multiple questions, or the fallacy of sidetracking. The act of sidetracking can also be broken down further into fallacies by way of argument by accusation, argument by mob emotions, argument by showing the ignorance of the listeners, argument by appealing to the opinion of someone famous, and argument by threatening. None of these fallacies should be used when trying to argue the Christian faith. They only hurt the Bible’s image for those listening to the debate.

Apart from deductive reasoning, inductive arguments are also possible. The idea of induction can also create different fallacies. Some examples are a fallacy due to faulty language, a fallacy due to faulty observation, a fallacy due to faulty logic, and a fallacy due to human nature.

These different fallacies mentioned can be used by the non-believer to put down Christianity, or by a Christian who is trying to defend the faith. But believers should be able to realize when someone else is making one of these mistakes, and try not to make the mistakes themselves. So even though there are so many different types of fallacies and tricks the non-believer can use to try to twist their argument, if the apologist is well versed in these types of fallacies, then one is able to mount a good defense against them.

Another important topic with regards to Christian logic is the use of leading questions, or questions which get right to the truth. They are in contrast to non-leading questions, which do not get to the heart of the truth and can be a waste of time.

There are several reasons why one should be using leading questions while debating the topic of apologetics. One reason would be to save time so the trivialities are bypassed. Another reason would be so the argument would lead in a definitive direction and not skirt around the issues. A third rationale would be to get to the heart of the problem at hand. Finally, it would be to convince the apologist’s opponent of the truth, so as get to the heart of the issue.

Apart from leading questions, there are also questions in general. These can be broken down into two groups: intelligence-based and intelligence-devoid. Intelligence-based questions can be such things as inquiring questions, misguiding questions, loaded questions, or leading questions. Intelligence-devoid questions can include such ideas as irrelevant questions and confusing questions.

Within the nature of questioning, there can be several reasons why a person would ask the wrong question, even if he is trying to get at the truth. A second reason would be due to spiritual stupidity or blindness. Another possibility could be because the person is ignorant or confused. It could also be because the questioner is trying to deceive, either because they are running from the truth or trying to hide the truth. The apologist must be able to recognize these types of questions and act accordingly.

To ask leading questions in debates, one must learn this skill. There are several reasons why this has to be learned. One reason is because leading questions do not come automatically. They must also be learned so as to overcome irrelevant and sidetracking questions. Another reason would to enable one to defend truth and justice. These are all important ideas when defending the faith.

Leading questions should also be framed in a certain manner if they are to be effective. To be able to do this, one must realize several points. One point is that experience will help in this endeavor. Also, the apologist must realize that the Biblical view should be the standard in all arguments. One must also study human nature in the light of the Bible. A fourth point is that one must go below the surface and bring hidden motives to light. The apologist should also understand cultural oddities if they are to be successful in their debate. Finally, the person being spoken to should be asked to explain the conclusions and evaluations to make sure they understood what was said to them.

Leading questions can be an important tool for the apologist while they are defending Christianity. But they can also be used by the non-believer to try to trick the apologist during a debate. If one is to defend the faith, we as Christians should be aware of what leading questions are and how they can be used. This will enable us to promote Christ and not tear him down.


With regards to Apologetics there are different debating techniques and the tricks that debaters can use. There are certain things that one has to be aware of if debating. Such things are the difference between straight and crooked thinking, the importance of winning the debate, the complexity of inductive and deductive reasoning, and the different abilities that some people have in arguing cases. All these ideas are important for the apologist if one is to defend the faith.

There are many different tricks that debaters can use to sway the argument in their favor. One way is to use strategies which would convey multiple meanings in their speech. Some different examples would be the use of denotation and connotation, using emotional overtones, or using words which cause confusion.

Debaters can also use some other tricks to try to win cases. One approach would be the use of provocation or emotional manipulation. This could take the form of using emotionally charged words, provoking the opponent to get him rattled, showing the opponent is weak if he gets angry, or showing the opponent is prejudiced. This type of technique could be used effectively against a Christian. If one is committed to the faith and their faith is hit emotionally, then they could become rattled and give into the manipulation or even commit some of the debating fallacies themselves in retaliation.

Another trick that some people use is generalization or misguiding others. This could take the form of using the word "all" instead of "some" or by contradicting the opponent’s position through extension. They could also try using accepted arguments for proving something false, or by using analogies to prove their arguments. Sometimes it is hard for the unlearned to counter these arguments.

A third ruse used by people in arguments is trying to prove their point by simply cheating or lying. This could include such tricks as using only selective evidence, evasion through elocution, or by repeated affirmation. Some other techniques would be proving an argument by stating it in a confident manner, appealing to prestige via false credentials or by using big words, or by showing the enemy’s ignorance. As well, one could use the method of utilizing tricky questions for damaging admissions, or by using acceptable statements and then inserting unacceptable statements, or by special pleading. These techniques are used quite often by defense lawyers in attempts to prove their client’s innocence.

Another deception used by a debater is by way of sidetracking or diverting. This can take many forms such as through irrelevant questions or statements, proof by an inconsequential argument, appealing to good deduction through false premises, false deductions, focusing on greater problems to distract from a lesser problem, or arguing for middle ground. They could also try using words that have different meanings to different people, using speculation, changing definitions, appealing to authority, appealing to the prejudices of listeners, or by accepting or rejecting an idea based on the listener’s attitudes.

An arguer could even try to create confusion when trying to prove their point. They could use such techniques as circular reasoning, begging the question, or by attacking the opponent’s character. They could even attempt this by ignoring different possibilities, using continuity to disprove demarcation, or by showing that they are indifferent, all effective techniques that an apologist must be aware of.

A final scam that debaters can use is complete irrelevance or idiocy. They could just go after their opponent’s competence or qualification. Or they could start an argument which has nothing to do with the topic at hand thereby changing the argument entirely.

There are also ways in which one can respond to debating techniques. Every debate has a general and specific purpose. The general purpose is to arrive at the truth. The specific purpose is to prove one’s viewpoint. Both of these ideas are important for the apologist to know when defending Christianity.

There are several different types of debaters that one should know about if one is to try to defend against them. One type is the sincere debater. They engage in debates to learn something but are not always knowledgeable about the topic. Another type is the insincere debater. All they hope for is winning and the truth does not matter to them. Both are important to know about for the believer who engages in debate.

Under the category of the insincere arguer, there are uninterested and biased debaters. Uninterested debaters don’t really care about the topic at hand and are only arguing the point for personal reasons. The biased debater has already decided what they are going to believe and no amount of discussion will change their mind. Both are hard to convince of something which is not of their viewpoint.

There are also different types of debates that a person can encounter. Some examples are the rapid fire approach, the banyan tree approach, the blocking approach, and the juggling approach. Still yet, some arguments could take the form of the slippery stand approach, the smokescreen approach, or the speculative approach. Some more techniques could include the presuppositional approach, the confusion-creation approach, or the mockery approach. All of these are good to know about for the debating apologist.

When one is responding in a debate, one has to be aware that there may be false arguments within the discussion. These arguments are made of four basic parts. The first is human limitations, meaning that people do not know everything. The second is fallacies of logic, which are just errors in the argument. Another part is propaganda techniques, meaning the debater is appealing to emotion and not reason. Finally, there can be debater’s techniques and several of these have already been mentioned.

If a person encounters false logic when being attacked on their faith, there are some things that can be done. The believer could take the basic approach, meaning they could focus on the Bible, the facts, and ask leading questions of the attacker. The Christian could also take a basic attitude by being firm in their convictions and by being humble. They could also use the technique of repetition of showing illogical arguments by using the same arguments as the attacker or by presenting the truth step by step.

The apologist should also keep some things in mind when they are presenting their arguments. They should make sure that they know where they stand on the subject they are presenting. They should also know the basic premise of that stand. They should know how strong that premise is and they should present only the arguments which are the strongest to them.

One must also beware of certain things. The apologist should watch out for causes that work against them. They must keep checking to see how receptive their opponent is. One must also bring the debaters back to the point if the argument begins to stray. The believer should stick to the major argument and they should present their case with seriousness as well as humor if possible.

Anyone serious about their faith will end up in a debate about Christianity at some point in their lives. Very often, the other party will utilize different techniques and succumb to debating fallacies, so it is up to the apologist to recognize these mistakes and respond accordingly. If one has their Biblical facts straight, the Good Book should speak for itself, and any debate should be winnable.

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